Guess what? Episode two is actually recorded people! That means that in a few more months, we'll have it ready for your consumption... the three of you who actually read this thing, that isn't me and Jeff.
Blazblue: Continuum Shift is awesome, as expected. Story is even more dialogue heavy than the first one, but more fleshed out and you get more background. There's even a 10 minute long "catch-up" style cutscene at the beginning, you know, in case you never played the first one. (And if you haven't, then you must not like fighting games, in which case... a part of me actually can't blame you).
Each character plays differently than one another, which is nice. No clones = instant win for me... well, win in a sense that I bought it, and am enjoying it. Also like the first one, you only unlock the True Ending story arc when you beat it with other characters. Unlike the first one, you only need to beat it with specific characters to unlock it. The first game you needed to actually do everyones story, which is alright I guess, except for Carl who I still can't figure out.
This post would have been longer, but I'm actually playing games for once, and I have a family BBQ coming up later today, so pleasent Gammage to all, and to all a good luck in defeating the evil menace that is Baak'laag..... I think that's how it's spelled. More on that later.
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