
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Resident Evil: AKA Sequel - itis

To be fair, the RE movies aren't completely terrible... if you forget that they are loosely (and I'm talking Red Light District "loose" here) related to a video game with the same name. Of the original three movies, only the first one comes close to capturing the feeling of the game, and even then.... just barely. If you view these flicks as a stand-alone, separate universe from that of the games, they are relatively enjoyable. Think of it a bit like comic books: They've been around forever, usually having slightly different takes on the character with each subsequent set, so... yeah.

As far as Afterlife... it's kinda like a big commercial for 3D movies. Lots of plot devices and special effects used as an excuse to bring 3D into the limelight. There's nothing wrong with it, although it did seem a little tacky. Also, they didn't bring back Wesker from the third movie, they brought in a new dude who... he's alright I guess, but it could have been a lot better.

Now to the gaming part of this post. There are two games I've been spending all my time with: 3D Dot Game Heroes, and the Magic the Gathering Xbox Live Arcade game.

3D Dot Heroes has its moments of sheer frustration, but since it's designed to be kind of like an 8-bit game, that actually works more to its favor than I originally thought. The game seems to have enough content to make any Zelda fan proud, and enough tongue-in-cheek humor so that you don't really take anything overly seriously. Granted, I'm sure I'm missing half of what I'm supposed to do, since I rarely talk to the villagers, so me constantly dying in the dungeons is 100% my fault. It's still a fun game though.

That being said, each boss has an achievement attached to it that I sincerely doubt I'll ever get; To get the achievement, you have to beat the boss without getting hit. Talk about a pain in the ass. Maybe if I ever get enough patience I'll get around to it, but right now, I'm going for a Beat on the Backlog and that's about it. For now, anyways.

I've written quite a bit about Magic already, (most of it being barely coherent ramblings posted while in the middle of a game, or too asleep to get thoughts out properly...), so I'll at least keep this short. The XBL game is fun. It's not overly deep, so a newbie can easily get into it and not feel overwhelmed. It's spelled out a lot better than... say, actually playing a game with someone who has played the game for a long time.

That being said, it's deep enough that even vets of Magic can get a kick out of it. You unlock several 60 Card decks as you go along, and as you win using those decks you unlock cards to add. The only deck editing you get to do is with those extra cards. You can add them to the deck, or remove them as you see fit. A serious lack of real deck building holds the game back for guys like me who have been playing for years, but again, for newbies it's an excellent intro to the game proper.

Besides, when you go to tournaments, most people are using the same deck builds as each other anyways.

Tuesday I'll be talking about my marathons of gaming goodness that I've been taking part of. Until then, pleasant Gammage to everybody!

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