Bonjourno, Internet. I have sadly been sick all weekend, which left gaming to an absolute null and void. However, lying down with nothing to do gave me the perfect opportunity to re-watch season 4 of House, an absolutely awesome show, especially if you like smart, sarcastic types.
I did play a little bit of Drakengard 2 as part of my Ubisoft Marathon. Made by Square-Enix, Drakengard 2, (a sequel to drak... you don't need me to spell it out for ya) takes place 18 years after the first one. It combines Dynasty Warriors style gameplay, whereby you control one character as hundreds of random, nameless enemies are out to kill you, and aerial combat, where you use a dragon to slaughter wings and cubes, and the occasional biplane.
In the first one, there were many themes that would be deemed as controversial, but it was that type of storyline that attracted me to it in the first place. It dared to tell a story not often told in any form, let alone a video game. Drakengard 2, while still fun, lacks a certain something in the storyline. For example, the main character is a whiny little brat. Still, the game itself is fun.
I also managed to play a little Animal Crossing City Folk. I should be about 2/3 of the way through, and of course that means my debt. There's no way I'm going to finish collecting everything in that game, not for a long while anyways.
Castlevania was released today, much to the dismay of all people who hate 3d adaptations of classic, 2d games. This is Chris Taylor, off to take my daily drugs!!! ... of the not staying sick variety.
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