You know what's really sad, ladies and gents? For a long time, I used to play Magic. A lot! Every lunch break at school me and a bunch of friends would spend time playing, and it was awesome.
Time passes, and suddenly there are no more games of magic. Sure, every once in a while I'll buy a box, people I work with say they'll play, and we do, one game or two. But after that? Nothing.
Tonight that changes. Me and two other friends got together and played. I made two decks, one for me, and one for one of the others. You know what's really sad? It was her deck that keeps winning. I don't like it.
I do like the game however. I don't care that I don't win (although getting mana screwed is always embarrassing), I just love the mechanics of the game. I could play for months, never win a single match, and still feel good.
That being said, I will be using her deck as my own from now on. I want to win.
Next post should be more video game related, just wanted to share the wonderfulness of actually getting together and playing stuff. Thanks to online gaming, getting together and actually seeing the people that you're playing with seems to be a lost art, one that will be sorely missed.
Woot Magic! I remember those lunch hours...