
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Metal Head filled with Sick

Getting sick is never fun. You take time off work, you lie down for long periods of time, sleep in, play some games... alright, getting sick isn't all bad. Coming down with a fever and sweating from head to toe, THAT is bad.

Heavy MTL was really fun. At first, what with that surprise bill popping up (discussed in a previous post) I wasn't even planning on going anymore, but the room mate decided to buy me a ticket for the Sunday show.

For those who aren't in Montreal (or hate metal music), Heavy MTL is an outdoor concert designed around rock music, usually in the heavier variety. The first concert was in 2008, and it was going to become a yearly thing, however 2009 already saw a lot of metal acts perform in Montreal (or near it, although if any band plays Canada, and they hit Toronto, they usually hit us too), so they pushed it to this year promising that it would be bigger and badder than ever.

Now, I've always been told that religion and politics are two things you should never bring up in conversation, because someone will always get pissed off that you don't share their opinion. Music is starting to be the third leg in the tripod, so to speak. However, this is the internet, a land where fact and opinion get rearranged faster than a guy and a girl in a chick flick. Suffice it to say, without pulling out the trusty Soapbox, I enjoyed myself thoroughly at the concert. Seeing Rob Zombie live twice within 7 months didn't dim the performance, KoRn played a lot of their older stuff so I wasn't upset seeing them either. Lamb of God played well, I only ever heard one of their tracks (Laid to Rest), and that was thanks to a video game (Guitar Hero 2, before Activision milked the franchise to stagnation) and always wanted to hear more. They didn't disappoint.

Considering this was a metal concert, it stands to reason that my throat would be completely destroyed by the end of it, and that my neck would be hanging on a thread. Sadly, I didn't really feel anything until two days later, while I was at work. The day that Starcraft 2 came out.

So there I was, heading home early because I felt completely wiped, and I couldn't even play the game that was (arguably) twelve years in the making. Instead, I had to wait until the next day, where I called in sick because I couldn't talk, and could barely move.

A quick side note before I talk about SC2: How the hell did they expect me to "call" in sick when I couldn't talk? The strangeness of things.

Anyways, so I jump into a little campaign, and the first thing I notice is "wow... my PC can actually run this thing!" Unfortunately, with my huge gaming collection (805 games and counting), as noted earlier this month, I rarely get a chance to play and beat my games before new ones come out. While I am taking steps to rectify that (IE I'm not buying any new games until they are cheaper or until I beat ones I already have) that still leaves me with the original Starcraft and Brood War expansion unbeaten on the backlog.

Thank God for collectors editions coming with their older game counterparts. SC2 CE came with a USB stick that had the original games on it, so I installed them and started playing them again. I'm up to Mission 6 on the Terran campaign in the original, and even now, the game holds up really well.

As far as SC 2, I've played a few multiplayer matches with my Room Mate (she picked up a regular edition for herself), and ... well, we get crushed pretty fast by the CPU.... set on Easy. Le Triste. I need to practice building faster, and getting a strong defense up. Hopefully, with us playing a few games a night, I'll get into it a lot more than online on the first game. But that's another issue for another day.

The campaign I haven't touched much, since I haven't beat the first games yet. I am upset to see that the Medic unit isn't available for online yet, but I'm sure a patch will fix that... or their holding off on making all units available until each races campaign comes out. >_>.

I will say this: It seems pretty Activisiony that Starcraft 2 is being released in 3 installments, but to be fair, the way this campaign is (26 missions long, with 3 choices in game that affects which mission you end up doing for a total of 29 missions to do), I can see why you need it in separate games, rather than all in one. Still, I'd rather it all in one. What, I'm a greedy person who wants all his game in one shot, sue me!

Well, that about wraps up another exciting edition of me typing for too long, I'm Chris Taylor wishing everyone a pleasant Gammage.

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